Mom decided that I had to make bread today and after a little grumbling, I grabbed my mp3 player and decided to do it..AFTER I made my brownies for mutual tonight. I tried to make homemade brownies, which I've never done. I should have guessed that something was off when the batter was a tad..chunky. Well, the texture was off.
Anyway, I popped them into the oven and began mixing the bread. It called for ten cups of flower but after I kneaded the dough, it didn't look like it needed two pans. So, I pulled the brownies out(they looked odd which sunk any hopes I had for them) and put the dough in one pan. THen I asked my mom if I should split the dough. She told that she thought it would be best but that I could try baking it in one bread pan.
So, I figured that I'd try it. I put it in the oven and set the timer. Then I went to the brownies and I was disappointed. THey were hideous. Mom told me not to worry since they were going with sundaes but still..Then I felt like I should check the oven.
That's when I saw what I had created! FRANKENBREAD! I was amazed and terrified! I swear, it was breathing! I quickly shut the oven and burst into laughter, running to tell my mom. She made me take a picture(the lighter one) of it in the oven so she could see it. I happily obliged. She was shocked. But we left it alone and then the doorbell rang. It was my YW(Mia Maid) leader! She brought me a box of brownie mix like she had said she would!
So I let my brothers attack the failbrownies. They're gone now. They liked it, though. Gonna make the brownies later. Anyway, after almost an hour, I pulled the bread out. The dark golden picture is what my creation looks like now. I feel as if I made an abomination..but I have a fond attachment to my disaster.
Now I understand how Dr. Frankenstein felt after he saw his monster. He feared and adored. I fear and adore my monster. Too bad I have to kill it at lunchtime. My mourning will last for eons.
Anywho! I felt like I should share this amazing's gonna be great.